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9 Reasons Why Cloud Computing is a No-brainer



Growing or fluctuating businesses are faced with the challenge of an ever-changing environment. This makes budget and usage predictions hard, especially in IT.  The agility in Cloud-based services makes an ideal solution; scaling with your business, meaning you only pay for what you use. 

2.Disaster recovery

Now more than ever before, vast amounts of sensitive information is stored on our computers. The need to protect said data against hackers is widely recognised as a top priority. Thanks to the Cloud, small and medium sized businesses can now have the same level of robust disaster recovery that you would see in corporate enterprises without the huge price tag.

3. Automatic software updates

With servers off-premise, you no longer have to worry about deploying software updates and system maintenance. Automated updates are all part of the Cloud service, managed by Microsoft and it’s technicians – meaning you are always secure and up-to-date, without having to lift a finger.

4. Capital-expenditure free

Cloud computing cuts down the high cost of hardware with the pay as you go subscription model. Enjoy a subscription-based model that’s adaptable to your budget availability. Add to that, the ease of setup and management and suddenly your daunting IT project looks a lot friendlier.

5. Increased collaboration & Document control

Cloud-based workflow helps teams make updates in real time and gives them full visibility of their collaborations. Everyone is always up to date with the most recent document version on hand, every time. But don’t worry – Microsoft is on hand again with incorporated document control which allows you to approve who sees what.

6. Work from anywhere

With cloud computing, employees can be productive no matter where they are, or what device they’re using. Productivity and employee satisfaction increase with the option to use devices they are comfortable with, without any risk of security issues.

7. Security

Lost laptops are a problem, and probably always will be. No one ever thinks it will happen to them.  Not only do you have the cost of hardware to replace, but the exposure of potentially business critical data, which can cost millions. With Cloud computing, because your data is stored in the cloud, you can always access it. More importantly, you can block access and wipe lost devices for optimum security.

8. Competitiveness

Do you wish there was a simple step you could take to become more competitive? Moving to the cloud gives access to enterprise-class technology, no matter the size of your business. It also means your business is modern ….. nobody wants to work in an outdated environment.


And most importantly….


9. Us! 

You have Fuse to help you every step of the way, from consultancy to implementation and on-going support. First class support is always there to make sure your IT is running as smoothly as possible. ​​​

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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