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What Is Managed IT And What Should You Expect As Part Of Managed IT Support?

What Is Managed IT And What Should You Expect As Part Of Managed IT Support?  
What Is Managed IT And What Should You Expect As Part Of Managed IT Support?  

Managed IT support is an umbrella term for the different services provided by an external IT company who look after a business’s IT needs. Managed IT support covers a range of services provided to clients who can be a range of different industries and sizes and some of these specialisms include: 

  • Day-to-day IT support 
  • Hardware fixing and replacements 
  • Cybersecurity 
  • Training 
  • Backup and disaster recovery 
  • Apps and programmes 
  • Long term improvements 

The aim of managed IT support is for a well-equipped and skilled team of IT experts to work with their client and deliver IT services tailored to the client’s business needs.  

Each IT company differ on their products and services, some specialise in certain areas or industries, and others offer a more holistic, or 360° approach. Using managed IT services has several measurable and noticeable benefits including reduced risk of data breaches, and improved productivity.  

Let’s look at some of the specialisms listed above in a bit more detail and explain why they are so beneficial, and helpful to have access to.  

Day-to-day IT support 

Even experienced users will come up against IT problems that impact their productivity. When employees have access to a helpdesk that offers assistance, the problems can get resolved quickly and efficiently.  

It also gives employees a space to learn more about anticipating and resolving issues autonomously.  

Hardware fixing and replacements 

Technology doesn’t last forever, and when laptops are dropped, phones are lost, or PC’s aren’t functioning at peak performance, IT managed services get it sorted. 

They take away the hassle of researching the best deals and brands and choose the right tech for your needs and budget.  


Cybersecurity is a seriously underestimated part of running a business, but we understand it can be daunting and costly.  

With a managed IT service looking after cybersecurity, they spread costs across their clients and have in-house experts taking care of issues and updates, so you don’t have to. It’s a benefit that comes for a fraction of the price, and none of the worry.  


Another benefit of having your IT managed by external IT partners, is that training can be provided for a lower cost and includes a detailed knowledge of your business.  

Bespoke training will elevate your employee’s learning experiences and keep your business moving forward. 

Backup And Disaster Recovery 

Can you imagine what would happen to your business if a cyberattack hacked your systems and stole everything? Or a flood destroyed all the hardware in your office? 

Backing up data and putting measures in place for recovering it after a disaster, saves future you an immeasurable amount of wasted money and time.  

Apps And Programs 

There are thousands of applications that increase productivity, remove information silos, protect data, and improve strategic decision making, but how do you know which work best? 

Experienced and qualified, your managed IT team advise on apps and software that will enhance your business, without you taking the risks and time to find out.  

A certified Microsoft Partner such as Fuse, will have access to, and in-depth knowledge about, Microsoft devices, licences, applications, and features for example. This includes knowing the difference between Microsoft 365 Business and Microsoft 365 Enterprise and understanding which one is most suitable for a client’s budget and requirements.   

Long Term Improvements 

A good managed IT organisation won’t just be focused on the present, they will always be looking to the future too.  

As collaborative partners, they work with their clients to continuously improve and plan ahead with long- and short-term projects carried out to keep data, growth and targets safe and viable.  


Working alongside a managed IT support provider has multiple benefits for a company that want to invest in their IT infrastructure and protect their business. Learn more about the managed IT services Fuse provide 

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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