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SharePoint - The Production Hub of Every Efficient Modern Office

Monty Python's quest for the holy grail took King Arthur up hill and down dale, through woods and across rivers, and past challenges a-plenty.

Every business has its own quest for as high a level of productivity as possible, and fortunately you don't have to overcome the Black Knight to reach your ultimate goal.

But it is a journey worth taking, as according to some research undertaken by Nucleus Research in 2016 nearly 5 percent of GDP in the United States was lost in productivity costs as employees searched for content within their company's systems, with a further 3.6 percent of GDP spent on re-creating content that had already been lost.

For a company that turns over £10 million per annum this is equivalent to £460,000 of needless productivity costs simply searching through archives and £360,000 of content re-creation costs.

This has been recognised by some of the world's most outstanding businesses, with 85 percent of Fortune 500 companies already using SharePoint, Microsoft's collaboration software, to underpin their continued success.

But you don't have to have turnover in the billions of pounds to reap the benefits of a relatively small investment in SharePoint.

SharePoint gives you a clear and concise entry point both into your archives and current content, and allows you to share and work on many types of documents within your working groups in real time. No waiting for one person to finish editing before you make amendments, no laborious wading through folders upon folders of content from times past, just simple and easy processes wherever you are in the world and whatever device you are using.

SharePoint is an integral part of our operations here at Fuse, which means that we know just how to make the most of its impressive capabilities. We also know that there is no such thing as an 'off the shelf' solution to any organisation, and we take the time to work with you to find out exactly what you want and how we can help you achieve it.

Proactive businesses are successful businesses, so get ahead of the curve with SharePoint​​.

Jargon busting
SharePoint: Microsoft's collaboration software that lets your working groups share documents, information, news and apps in a secure and easily accessible place. SharePoint is available both as a stand-alone product and as part of Office 365, and is the hub of any successful modern office

How it works
SQL databases (configuration, services and content) deliver content to web clients through both a web browser as well as tightly-integrated Office applications and the Windows operating system

The base platform provides authentication, workflow, content, search and data processing services

APIs and service end points allow the platform to be extended through development, while the interface look-and-feel can be customised through common web development tools.​

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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