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County Council Mobile Website Launched

We are excited to announce the launch of our latest project - the mobile website for Northamptonshire County Council. Hot on the heels of our own mobile website we are now establishing ourselves as experts in this niche market. Many of our clients are now realising that a mobile website is a key part of their online strategy and are engaging us to provide a solution.

The NCC mobile site provides quick and easy access to their core services and functions for the plethora of handheld devices in use today. The mobile site is currently a subset of the main site but we plan to make more and more content available in the near future.

The mobile site feeds directly from the main site mostly through Web Services and RSS feeds. This means that the mobile site is relatively maintenance free and updates as soon as the parent site does.

We have also implemented a "Redirect" system for the main site. This means that visitors to the home page using mobile devices are seamlessly redirected to the mobile site. The mobile site requires far less resources than the main site and is optimised for the small screen. It also employs the graceful degradation approach of making full use of the latest devices features whilst still managing to make the key content accessible to older devices.

Learn more about our Mobile products here and contact us to find out how we can help you with your mobile strategy.

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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