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4 Important Types Of Training For Employees Working At Home

Thanks to the pandemic, businesses in the UK have been thrown in at the deep end when it comes to learning how to manage work from home employees. Remote workers may need to learn how to use new IT systems and communications platforms, or to plan their work more effectively. They may also need to find ways of handling stress and loneliness. So, what types of work from home training could help them to thrive?

1) Time Management and Organisation

While it's essential for all employees to develop excellent time management and organisational skills, remote workers may need additional training and support. It's easy to be distracted by children, pets, and household chores when you're working at home, so your training courses should teach people strategies for handling interruptions and competing demands. Make sure you utilise the latest team management software and solutions, and teach your remote workers how to make the most of them, so they can maximise their efficiency.

2) Remote Communication Etiquette

Use of call, video, and instant messaging software applications, such as Microsoft Teams, has rocketed since lockdown began. That's thanks to their innovative features and the practical benefits that they bring. However, not only do you need to ensure that your staff know how to use these platforms properly, you should train them in remote communication etiquette. Your training materials should include information about topics such as the need to book virtual meetings in advance, how to check colleagues' availability, and how to make online discussions effective and inclusive.

3) Emotional And Mental Well-Being

Remote workers can often feel isolated, particularly when they've been used to working in close-knit teams. They can also find it difficult to switch off and draw a clear line between their work and home lives. Therefore, they can often benefit from training programmes that teach them how to look after their mental and emotional health. Try adding fun apps to communications platforms such as Microsoft Teams too, so that your workers can take time out to enjoy quizzes, games, or casual chats with colleagues on their breaks, and include information about these in your training materials.

4) Cyber Security

Your remote workers also need to know how to protect their devices – and your IT systems – from cyber-attacks. Teaching them how to install virus protection and firewalls, to ensure that their Wi-Fi is secure, and to recognise potential phishing, malware, ransomware, and password attacks will make them feel more in control. It will also minimise the chances that your business will impacted by cyber-crime.

Find Out More

Finally, remember that all of your training courses and materials need to be available remotely and via a range of different devices, so that your employees can access them with ease. To discover more about how you can utilise the latest IT systems in order to provide your employees with online training to work from home, please contact the experts at Fuse today.



Image source: Unsplash

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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