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Why Microsoft 365 Is The Only Collaboration Platform You’ll Need In 2021

Why Microsoft 365 Is The Only Collaboration Platform You’ll Need In 2021

Even before the pandemic, collaboration was a hot topic. Now, it’s become a necessity. With over twenty years of experience, the team at Fuse is convinced we’ve found the best collaboration solution. Here’s a quick guide to how Microsoft 365 can empower your business while working remotely.

What Is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 is an integrated cloud-based business platform. Its purpose is to enhance connectivity so that users can collaborate effortlessly to improve their productivity. In an era of remote working, Microsoft 365 brings people together through chats, calls, and meetings, whilst offering instant access to shared documents and files through secure Office based apps.

An Issue Of Security

One of the main reasons that Microsoft 365 is the best choice for remote-working SMEs is security. In the scramble to create digital platforms, many inexperienced software developers have flooded the market with cloud-based platforms that either have weaknesses in their coding or a lack of finance to enable upgrades. Hackers can easily detect and exploit these vulnerabilities. Hacking events are often serious enough to make the headlines, as we saw with Zoom in May 2020. Such vulnerabilities introduce a plethora of risks to both businesses and customers.

Microsoft 365 is a well-developed, well-invested, and well-supported platform that ensures the highest level of operational security.

Cloud Storage

When it comes to remote collaboration, nothing is more important than the cloud. It unlocks the instant sharing of information and enables multiple participants to work on the same project simultaneously. It also enables information to be stored, accessed, and analysed. This increases efficiency across many different industries, especially those that rely upon data collection for their strategic planning.

Microsoft 365 offers 1 TB of storage, which is ideal for enabling businesses to remain productive anywhere, anytime.

Real-Time Working

To collaborate effectively, employees and supply chain partners need real-time communication. The ideal communication method will vary from company to company, but the bottom line is that it has to happen in a way that is organic and accessible. Co-workers need to be able to talk to each other through chats, calls, groups, and shared documents, on a variety of devices. This enables problems to be dealt with efficiently and keeps the organisational wheels moving smoothly.

Microsoft 365 includes the Microsoft Teams online meetings capability, which has the single purpose of bringing people together in real-time through fast and efficient video conferencing.

Keeping It Organised

In a temporarily disorganised world, keeping track of dates, times, and meetings can be a challenge. This is a major productivity barrier for many organisations. When employees fail to complete their tasks on time, the whole company suffers. However, when people are working from home it can be difficult for them to separate work life and family life, especially while schools are closed. According to the BBC, many are finding the experience “unbearable,” and disorganisation is one of the primary headaches.

The automated email and calendaring functions in Microsoft 365 ensure that no dates are missed.

What Next?

At Fuse Collaboration, we are passionate about bringing teams together for stronger, more productive businesses. Microsoft 365 is a powerful, well-designed software package that will make that happen. For more information, get in touch with one of our Managed IT specialists today.

Image source: Unsplash

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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