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What Is The Future Of Cyber Security After Lockdown?

What Is The Future Of Cyber Security After Lockdown

The world of cyber security has always been fast-moving, but it's picked up even more speed since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. With more people working from home, companies face greater cyber risks - and they're seeking effective and speedy solutions to the problem. How has the pandemic altered the cyber security landscape and what do these changes mean for SMEs?


What's Changed During the Coronavirus Pandemic?


When the UK first went into lockdown in March 2020, non-essential workers were encouraged to work from home. More than a year later, large numbers of employees have still not returned to their offices. Working from home has now become the norm and many people are likely to continue to work remotely even when the pandemic officially ends.

Entire teams of people now access their companies' IT systems on devices that don't have their firms' usual security features installed on them. What's more, many use insecure home Wi-Fi connections. This creates more vulnerability points in IT systems that cyber criminals can exploit. At the same time, the type and frequency of attempted cyber-attacks has changed.

Scam texts, emails, and calls are now irritatingly regular, with attention-grabbing ‘CTAs’ that prey on anxieties created by the pandemic. Phishing messages commonly masquerade as coming from banks, HMRC, the police, courier services, Amazon, and so on, with alarming content designed to override the recipient’s innate scepticism about spam messages. ‘What if…?’

As a result, businesses and employees alike need to be more cyber security aware.


How Can You And Your Employees Improve Your Cyber Security?


The key to keeping data safe in the current environment is teamwork. Companies and their staff need to share the responsibility for their cyber security. Today's workforce needs to be more self-reliant when it comes to cyber security. Therefore, your employees will need to play their part by ensuring that their devices and home IT networks are secure. They should also bear common security risks in mind when working and remember, for example, not to download suspicious files or click on links in emails, instant messages, or texts, if they can’t guarantee they come from a trusted source.

If an employee notices that one of their colleagues has shared something that could be malicious or with someone who shouldn't have received it, they should reach out to those affected and explain the correct procedures to their colleague.

However, if you own or manage a business, you still have to take ultimate responsibility for the security of your company's data. You should conduct a thorough review of your IT systems to ensure that they are resilient, because it only takes one breach to jeopardise your entire data network. You should also ensure that your employees have appropriately protected devices to use and provide them with training so that they know how to practice cyber security at home.


What Next?


While it's likely to become more challenging to keep up with developments in cyber security, you don't have to do it on your own. If you work with Fuse, we can check your IT systems and processes for vulnerabilities and provide you with tailored security solutions and ongoing support. To discuss your company's cyber security needs with one of our experts, please get in touch today.


Image source: Pixabay

About the author


Fuse is a Microsoft Partner, based in Northampton. We help organisations of all sizes to maximise IT efficiencies through the use of Microsoft cloud computing solutions.

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